A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

From Unhealthy to Leaner, Stronger, Healthier and Happier!

Meet David, a husband, father, a professional and an athlete. Like so many people that seek my help, David wanted to get healthier so he could perform better in life and in Crossfit. He had tried to do things on his own previously but later discovered that his focus wasn’t what it should be. With my help and the help of the coaches at Cottontown Crossfit, he was able to drop 70 lbs! In reality he lost more than 70 lbs of fat because he was able to pack on pounds of muscle. Check out his transformation timeline!

David’s Transformation Timeline:

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

“This first picture was shortly before I first started at Forest Dr Crossfit” ~ 2.5 years ago

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

“The tux picture is when I was at my prime at FDCF right before I got injured. Though significant progress, my diet and goals were focused on gains and lifting as much weight as possible. Looking back, this was a mistake on my part.”

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

“The couch picture is July 7th, 2018.I was at my heaviest of 274lbs and pre-diabetic. I restarted CF at FDCF approximately 2 months later. My new goal was to get lean. I would work towards this goal with the guidance / support of not only the FDFC / Cotton Town Crossfit coaches and fellow members, but Nutritionist Kristen Ziesmer as well. Working with her was intricate to achieving what I needed to achieve. ”

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - A Crossfitter’s Health and Performance Transformation

“The white t-shirt picture is from my last day with CTC before moving to Greenville, SC. In that picture I am down 70lbs from my heaviest. I am now around 194lbs as seen in the Aug 2019 pic of my son and I below. That smile? I do that a lot more these days. My physical health is much better, but more importantly so is my mental health. I am happier, more confident, a better father, a better husband, a better man… ”

It’s been quite a journey and I intend to continue it for the foreseeable future. I’m now focusing more on not just my nutrition, but bettering my techniques / forms and getting stronger. When I restarted CF I wanted to participate in Murph as I was very intimidated by it. Completing Murph was a huge hurdle for me (I actually puked the night before from anxiety, but I still smile when I think about that day). My goals for 2020 include participating in local Crossfit Competitions, something I never would of considered before all of this.

There is no way I can adequately explain how important and appreciated Kristen’s work with me was / is. There is a saying of “you can’t out work a bad diet” and this is so very true. Kristen, has made accessible nutrition and her proven techniques have made this life change very possible. I highly recommend her service to anyone that may be interested in it and I do not hesitate refer Kristen to all that ask. ”

Congratulations David!

David’s transformation has been so drastic that I ran into him and his family in the grocery store and barely recognized him! If it wasn’t for his wife, I probably would’ve passed him by haha! I’m so proud of David and all his progress. And although I’ve been doing this for years, it’s always amazing to me to see how much proper nutrition and training can make such a drastic difference. I must add, David did all this the right way, the healthy way. No fad diets here!

Want to read more about our client’s incredible transformations? Head on over to our testimonials page to see more!


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